From “Ragging On” to “Bragging On”

It's easy to notice what people don't do well. To focus on it. To point it out. To remember it. To bring it up in performance assessments and annual reviews. 

What's perhaps not as easy for most people is to notice what people do well, what makes them amazing and unique. To see it and say it. To celebrate and reward it.  

Making this shift from RAGGING to BRAGGING requires work - it's a muscle we have to build. It takes practice and consistency.  And the rewards of celebrating people for their power, rather than diminishing them for the places they may not be as strong, or may have stumbled along the way, are HUGE. Not only does this shift empower the people around you, it just makes you feel good inside!  

So next time you hear diminishing words leaving your mouth, consider flipping the script. Yep, right in that very moment! You can do it!

(PRO TIP: This works as a reflective exercise too! Listen for the words you speak that diminish vs empower yourself!)

Now get out there and brag on someone today!  


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